Takes a village to build a champion

Be the Best
You Can Be

In our wrestling room, athletes unite in a shared pursuit of excellence. It's in this environment of collective determination and hard work that each athlete is honed into their best self, embodying the true spirit of a champion.

At RAW Wrestling Club, we understand that every athlete's journey is unique. That's why we offer a diverse range of training services tailored to meet your specific needs and goals. Our suite of training options is designed not only to enhance your wrestling skills but also to build your strength and elevate your overall fitness levels.

Personalized Training Programs

Personalized training programs are the cornerstone of our training services. Recognizing that each wrestler has individual strengths, weaknesses, and objectives, our experienced coaches create customized training plans. These programs are meticulously designed to refine techniques, prepare for a competition, and simply improve your performance on the mat.

Pod (Small Group) Training

Fostering a sense of community and teamwork, our pod training sessions offer the perfect blend of personalized attention and group dynamics. In these small group settings, you'll train alongside fellow wrestlers who share similar skill levels and objectives. Our coaches ensure that each session is challenging, engaging, and conducive to collective improvement.

RAW Power | Physical Conditioning

Wrestling demands more than just technical prowess; Our conditioning programs are an integral part of our training services, designed to enhance your strength, endurance, agility, and overall physical fitness. These sessions include a variety of exercises and routines, from weight training to cardiovascular workouts, all aimed at preparing your body for the rigors of wrestling.


We are committed to providing our athletes with the best possible coaching and training to help them achieve their full potential. With dedication, hard work, and passion, our athletes can reach the highest levels of success in wrestling and beyond.

Building a Culture of Excellence

At Raleigh Area Wrestling Club, we foster a positive and supportive environment that cultivates excellence both on and off the mat. Our coaching philosophy centers around the following core principles:

We strive to ignite a passion for wrestling in our athletes, instilling a love for the sport and a commitment to self-improvement.

We prioritize the development of sound technique and fundamental skills, believing that a strong foundation is essential for long-term success.

We encourage our athletes to develop mental toughness, teaching them to persevere through challenges, embrace adversity, and maintain unwavering focus.

We foster a sense of camaraderie and teamwork within our club, emphasizing the importance of sportsmanship and respect for opponents.

We recognize wrestling as a vehicle for personal growth and development, striving to help our athletes become well-rounded individuals.

Training: Comprehensive Approach

To achieve our goal of consistently producing nationally competitive wrestlers and recruitable student-athletes, we implement a comprehensive training philosophy that encompasses the following elements:

We design structured and progressive training plans that cater to our athletes’ specific needs and development stages.

We emphasize physical conditioning, incorporating strength training, flexibility exercises, and cardiovascular workouts.

We incorporate technical drills and live wrestling sessions to enhance technical proficiency and match strategy.

We provide our athletes ample opportunities to compete, exposing them to high-level competition and fostering competitive spirit.

We incorporate sports psychology techniques and mental training exercises to help our athletes develop mental toughness and optimize performance.