Navigating the Path to College Wrestling

Take the First Step and Fill Out Our RAW Prep Questionnaire Today.

Navigating the Path to College Wrestling


At RAW Wrestling Club, we are dedicated not only to developing exceptional athletes but also supporting their academic and career aspirations. This commitment is embodied in our unique RAW Prep Program, designed to help student-athletes aiming to compete on the college level.

Strategic Preparation for College Recruitment

RAW Prep is more than just a training regimen; it's a comprehensive college prep programming that equips student-athletes and their families with crucial insights and tools for the college recruiting process. We understand that getting noticed by college scouts and coaches is a nuanced journey. Our program focuses on strategically positioning our athletes to stand out in this competitive arena.

Step-by-Step Guidance and Support

Navigating the college recruitment landscape can be daunting. RAW Prep simplifies this process with a step-by-step approach. We guide our athletes through every phase of the recruitment process, from building a compelling athletic profile to understanding the nuances of college applications and communications with college coaches. Our experienced staff offer personalized advice and support, ensuring that each athlete and their family are well-informed and prepared.

Increasing Visibility and Reach

One of the key objectives of RAW Prep is to increase the visibility and reach of our athletes. We leverage our network and expertise to showcase our wrestlers to the right collegiate programs. This includes creating high-quality athletic resumes, facilitating connections with college coaches, and providing opportunities to compete in events that draw college recruiters' attention.

Maximizing Opportunities for College Admission

Our goal is to maximize the opportunities for our athletes to reach college through wrestling. We do this not only by enhancing their athletic prowess but also by aiding in their academic preparedness. RAW Prep encompasses a holistic approach, focusing on both the physical and intellectual aspects necessary for succeeding in college-level wrestling and academics.

Partnering with Families

We believe that the journey to college wrestling is a collaborative effort. RAW Prep actively involves the families of our athletes, providing them with resources, workshops, and one-on-one consultations. This collaborative approach ensures that both the athlete and their family are aligned and working together towards the common goal of college admission through wrestling.

Ready to Elevate Your College Wrestling Journey?

Take the First Step and Fill Out Our RAW Prep Questionnaire Today. Your Future Starts Here!



College coaches can start evaluating athletes any time they want. There are rules around when to engage an athlete directly, but they can begin to assess at any time. We recommend engaging via recruiting questionnaires, emails, social media, etc., following the 9th-grade season.

Consider this: 80% of DI athletes are involved with colleges by the end of their sophomore year. If college coaches don’t know who you are, they can’t evaluate you.

As an athlete, do not “outsource” or transfer control of the recruiting process to club coaches, high school coaches, recruiting services, etc. Colleges will look to see if you can lead the engagement. Coaches, parents, etc, are part of supporting the process, not showing it.

Most college recruiting will begin online. Over the years, recruiting has become a national exercise, even for small schools. Colleges need to find a way to afford to have their coaches on the road to evaluate talent. Recruiting Questionnaires, direct emails to the coaching staff, highlight videos, videos of full matches, etc., are the best places to start. Over-communicating your national tournament schedule with the coaching staff is a good idea, as most will have some staff attending the more renowned tournaments: Super 32, Beast of the East, Journeyman, Fargo, etc.

The biggest mistake a recruit can make is putting all eggs in one basket. It would help if you had exposure to many different types of schools, leadership, Divisions (I, II, and III), etc. The process enables you to learn and build qualifying criteria to evaluate the right fit for you properly. Start with 50 schools across all Divisions.

Start to document your initial qualifying criteria: geography (state), do they have the educational pathway (major) you are interested in, small school vs large school, etc. What I thought was necessary at the beginning of the process often changes with learning and engagement.