Takes a village to build a champion

Be the Best
You Can Be




RAW Wrestling Club is a community of athletes, coaches, parents, and family dedicated to the sport of wrestling. RAW is a hub for talent development, fostering a culture of excellence, discipline, and respect. The core of our philosophy is the belief in nurturing passion and enthusiasm for wrestling, building a strong foundation in technique and fundamentals while promoting personal growth and development.

We build character, resilience, and camaraderie among our athletes and families. It takes a village to raise a champion.


Our training approach at RAW is comprehensive, tailored to meet the needs of wrestlers at every level – from youth to collegiate athletes. We emphasize structured and progressive training, balanced physical conditioning, and a mix of technical drills with live wrestling. This approach ensures that our athletes not only excel in technique but also in physical and mental toughness. By providing ample opportunities for competition and exposure, we aim to foster a competitive spirit and a deep understanding of sportsmanship and teamwork.

Our Mission

Our mission at RAW is to ignite a lifelong passion for wrestling in each of our athletes. We aim to cultivate mental toughness, teaching our athletes to embrace challenges and persevere. We believe in the transformative power of wrestling to develop discipline, focus, and resilience, qualities that transcend the sport and empower our athletes in all areas of life.

We are dedicated to developing and nurturing young men and women into skilled wrestlers who will excel in every aspect of life.


We are committed to providing our athletes with the best possible coaching and training to help them achieve their full potential. With dedication, hard work, and passion, our athletes can reach the highest levels of success in wrestling and beyond.

Building a Culture of Excellence

At Raleigh Area Wrestling Club, we foster a positive and supportive environment that cultivates excellence both on and off the mat. Our coaching philosophy centers around the following core principles:

We strive to ignite a passion for wrestling in our athletes, instilling a love for the sport and a commitment to self-improvement.

We prioritize the development of sound technique and fundamental skills, believing that a strong foundation is essential for long-term success.

We encourage our athletes to develop mental toughness, teaching them to persevere through challenges, embrace adversity, and maintain unwavering focus.

We foster a sense of camaraderie and teamwork within our club, emphasizing the importance of sportsmanship and respect for opponents.

We recognize wrestling as a vehicle for personal growth and development, striving to help our athletes become well-rounded individuals.

Training: Comprehensive Approach

To achieve our goal of consistently producing nationally competitive wrestlers and recruitable student-athletes, we implement a comprehensive training philosophy that encompasses the following elements:

We design structured and progressive training plans that cater to our athletes’ specific needs and development stages.

We emphasize physical conditioning, incorporating strength training, flexibility exercises, and cardiovascular workouts.

We incorporate technical drills and live wrestling sessions to enhance technical proficiency and match strategy.

We provide our athletes ample opportunities to compete, exposing them to high-level competition and fostering competitive spirit.

We incorporate sports psychology techniques and mental training exercises to help our athletes develop mental toughness and optimize performance.

Commitment to Our Young Athletes and Their Families

At RAW Wrestling Club, we are deeply committed to creating a safe, nurturing, and empowering environment for all our young athletes. We understand the trust parents place in us, and we honor that trust by prioritizing the well-being, personal growth, and development of each child.

Our experienced coaches and staff are not only experts in wrestling but are also dedicated to mentoring and guiding your children with care, respect, and integrity. In our hands, your children will not only develop their athletic abilities but also learn valuable life lessons in discipline, teamwork, and resilience, all within a supportive community that values their individuality and potential. Rest assured, at RAW Wrestling Club, the journey of your child is our utmost responsibility, and their success, safety, and happiness are the core of everything we do.


Raleigh Area Wrestling Club is an alternative training hub for wrestlers of all levels, providing a welcoming and supportive environment for youth, high school, collegiate, and beyond athletes. We offer a variety of training programs and clinics tailored to the specific needs of each age group and skill level.

Core Values

We are committed to providing our athletes with the best possible coaching and training to help them achieve their full potential.

  • We are dedicated to empowering young men and women, equipping them with the tools they need to succeed in all aspects of life.

We recognize the transformative power of sports, particularly wrestling, in fostering personal growth and development.

  • We are committed to making wrestling and its benefits accessible to all kids, regardless of their backgrounds or circumstances.

At RAW Wrestling Club, we are steadfast in ensuring that every child can access and participate in wrestling, actively removing barriers related to socio-economic status, disabilities, or other challenging circumstances.


One of our goals is to make wrestling accessible to all kids, regardless of their situation. We work hard to remove any barriers that may prevent a child from participating in the sport, such as financial constraints or lack of access to equipment and facilities. We believe that every child deserves the chance to experience the benefits that wrestling can offer, including physical fitness, mental toughness, discipline, and character development.

We partner with a variety of organizations to provide access to wrestling programs, clinics, and camps. We also offer scholarships and financial assistance to those who need it, so that every child can participate. We work closely with coaches and instructors to ensure that our programs are inclusive and accommodating to kids with disabilities or other special needs.

We believe that wrestling is not just a sport, but a way of life that can help prepare kids for success in all aspects of their lives. By making wrestling accessible to all kids, we can help build stronger, more resilient, and more confident individuals who are equipped to face any challenge that comes their way.